5 Tips for Open House Signs

When you’re hosting an open house, it’s important to use open house signs to drive traffic to your listing. Most agents have been using signs as long as they have been selling homes. But most agents are not making the most out of their open house if they’re not placing signs as effectively as possible. Use these five tips to make sure you get the most out of your open house signs!

  1. Follow The Rules

    As a selling agent, you should be familiar with local ordinances and HOA guidelines that pertain to your listing. Each municipality has its own laws pertaining to the use of temporary signs, and it is critical that you follow these regulations or you could be fined.

  2. Map It Out

    Starting with the listing site as your center point, map out each major intersection surrounding the listing. Ideally, you’ll be able to place signs at all major entrances to your listing’s neighborhood. You will also want to place signs at each stop sign en route to the open house. This will help drivers who are unfamiliar with the listing neighborhood.

  3. Make Sure They’re Visible

    Your sign isn’t worth anything if no one can see it. Make sure would-be buyers can see your open house sign from every direction. Check for bushes, trash cans, or sign posts that may block the sign from viewers. When placing signs before a turn, particularly on a busy street, try to give viewers time for response-delay. Back the sign up a few yards from the upcoming turn to attract their attention before it’s time to turn.

  4. Place Them Early

    There is quite a bit of competition for street corner real estate. Make sure you beat the crowd by placing your signs out as early as possible. Individual municipalities will have their own regulations and restrictions, but try to get your signs placed before the morning traffic.

  5. Place With Care

    Always obtain a property owner's permission before placing a temporary sign on someone's property, whether their property is residential or commercial. It’s a good idea to make friends and get people excited about your open house-- not to make your neighbors angry that your signs are all over their property.

Best practices for open house signs can change at any time without notice. Trust the experts at EZ Sign Delivery to ensure your open house signs are delivered on-time and in accordance with the local ordinances. If you are hosting an open house and are looking to hire professionals for your sign placements, visit EZSignDelivery.com for rates and options.


6 Innovative Ways to Make Open House Signs Stand Out


“Courteous Placement” Guidelines